The three little pigs

Once there were three little pigs that were building there own house.The first house was made off straw.then all of a sudden the big bad wolf and said little pig little pig let me come in the pig said not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin so then he huffed and puffed and blew the house down so the little pig got scared and ran away.then the second little pigs house was made of wood then the wolf said let me come in so the pig said not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin then the wolf huffed and puffed then the house felled down the pig went to the threes little pig the wolf followed he said to the pig let me come in they said not by the hairs of my chinny chin chin so he huffed and puffed and huffed puffed the house did not fall down so he left them alone they live happy ever after

Rm 19's Trip At The Buried Virllage

On Monday a couple of weeks ago rm 19 went to buried village.It was fun because we all got to look around and got handed a paper so we could get some information about Tangiwai Disaster.Also we went up these step's so we could look at this water fall.It was beautiful!!!!! you could see a good view.Then we went to the cafeteria so we could go to eat our food at the real Mounton. Just before we got there then Mtua Andrew said that we were going to see a better of Mount Tarawera and get more information.We went bake to school at lunch time.

All about me

Hi, my name is Jayiesha Nelson. I am Thirteen years old. I am a big fan of Dogs. I have a Dog of my own and his name is Mr Bones Koia, I love him so much. I have three brothers. My brothers' names are Clive, Mano and Coulton they are 13, 21, 19 years old. I have three cousins that I miss cause my Aunty and her kids moved 2 Australia. My classroom is room 19. My teachers' names are Whaea Kelly and Matua Andrew. I have lots of friends that come to this school. My favourite sports are netball, volleyball and rugby. My favorite food is McDonald's, KFC. My hot gossips I'm going to Aussie on Christmas day. My music is Children of Israeli. My favourite programmes are Spongebob Squarepants, Sleep over Club and Killian Curse.